Cancellation & Refund Policy

At FindHomestay, we strive to offer clear and straightforward policies for our users. Please review our Cancellation & Refund Policy below:

1. Upgrading to a Featured Listing

FindHomestay offers users the option to upgrade their property listing from a Standard listing to a Featured listing. This upgrade highlights your property and enhances its visibility for a period of one year from the date of payment.

2. One-Time Payment

  • The payment for upgrading to a Featured listing is a one-time fee, valid for one year.
  • We do not have any recurring payments. After one year, if you wish to continue featuring your property, you will need to make another payment to renew your Featured status.

3. No Refund Policy

  • All payments for upgrading to a Featured listing are final. Once the payment is made, it is non-refundable under any circumstances.
  • We encourage you to carefully consider your decision before proceeding with the upgrade.

4. Reverting to Standard Listing

  • At the end of the one-year period, if no renewal payment is made, your listing will automatically revert to a Standard listing.
  • You may choose to upgrade to a Featured listing again at any time by making a new payment.

5. Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance with your listing upgrade, please reach out to us at:

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